
Maharathis of Deccan ( 200 BC - 100 AD )

With collapse of Mauryan power soon after Asoka in second century BC the local administrative officers , who were called Maharathis , Mahatalavara and Mahasenapati built up their own kingdoms and began to issue their own coins . Some of the uninscribed coins might belong to them . But they soon issued coins inscribed with their names . The Maharathis may be looked upon as the earliest known rulers of the deccan . They were succeed by Kura , Ananda ,Hasti , Mahatalavara , Sada , Sebaka families in deccan . The Vidarbha was ruled by Mitra and Bhadra Rulers which were suceeded by Satavahanas . After Satavahanas Ishvaku ruled the Andhra region .For the first time we find that lead was used for coins . Later it become prime metal of deccan for a long time and from there it went to Gujrat and Malwa and then to Punjab where it was first used by Strato II, the Indo-Bactrian Ruler and S'aka Kshatrapa Rajuvula who issed some coins in this metal .

Elephant Maharathis of Lower
Tungabhadra valley (200 BC- 100 AD)
Elephant Maharathis of Central Karnataka region, (100 BC )
Brahmi legend " Maharatisa Sivakuhanasa " Lead 8.5 grams .

Elephant Maharathis of Central Karnataka region, (100 BC )
Brahmi Legend -" (Maha)ratisa Siva Hari Sa(mana) "

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I have a similar coin in your blog of Maharathis but it seems different on rev. I do not know how to attach photos of my coin but if you inform me of your email address or line ID i will send photos for your kind indentification.
